Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Leonardo Ven-chi

The last two weeks I learned about Leonardo da Vinci.  He spells his name funny, but that is because he is not from around here!  He was an awesome genius!

He made a round tank that spins around and shoots guns.  No one had ever seen a tank in battle before.  It would not be until World War I that it would be used.  

Then he made plans for what we call a helicopter.  It would help people fly!  He really wanted to fly as he also made bird wings for a man to wear that would help them fly.  People today tested his helicopter plan but it was too heavy to fly even though it was made right.

He made a bridge design that was easy to drive on.  At the bottom people could walk, while the people could drive across the top.

He was an expert painter.  I saw many of his paintings in the books I read.  I really like the picture of the lady (Mona Lisa).

I wondered if he had a wife...because if he had children they would grow up and do cool things like him.  Then they could be big boy geniuses like ME!

If you want to learn more about the genius we call Leonardo...go to your library and check out the books I read:

"Neo Leo" by Gene Baretta
"Leonardo Da Vinci" by John Phillips

MOM NOTE:  I was amazed at seeing how Da Vinci drew detailed pictures of the human body...including the picture of a baby developing in the womb!

"Learning never exhausts the mind."
-Leonardo da Vinci

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